Communication: 3 techniques for simplifying

Three techniques I’ve used when reaching that I feel work well for anyone with compromised communication. Great for a toddler, someone with a communication disorder or even Dementia. Even good for teenagers who won’t listen.

1) Binary Choice:

Rather that giving an open ended choice where the person is required to articulate an answer from nothing you guide the parameters and provide the language. For example a typical question “what drink do you want?” could result in no answer or an answer you don’t want… Eg a Margarita? Yak milk? Icelandic chilled water… Who knows what the reply might be… Which could result in disappointment… I wanted yak milk!. Instead you offer 2 options which provides a language model and a choice you know meets the circumstances “do you want tea or coffee?”

2) Say what TO DO not what not to do:

If you say what not to eg “please don’t run” they may not hear the whole sentence or process the whole sentence. The result might be so they hear is the “run” part. Instead make sure you say what you want them to do eg “walk”.

3) Billboard technique:

Use as few words as possible to ensure clear communication. Ideally less than 8 words. Instead of “James please could you put all of these socks into your dresser draw in your bedroom” take James to the dresser and open the draw “socks away please”.

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